Saturday, October 19, 2013

Questions and Answers w/ Pollycakes

Pollycakes continues her weightloss streak!

Here she is modeling:

I mean look at that superfly cat. I'm not gonna lie, she wasn't too happy about the coat. I will put video up soon. It's too good not to share. 

We've gotten a few questions about the whole process of losing weight for Pollycakes, so I'd like to present those here. 

Question #1:  Isn't raw food dangerous for animals?
Answer: Raw food is not dangerous for animals with a strong healthy immune system. Raw food is processed for the purpose of being fed without being cooked. Most of the raw food you would buy for animals is processed very cleanly because they know it won't be cooked. Meat you would buy from a butcher or grocery store won't be as clean since it's meant to be cooked. Primal Pet Foods, which Pollycakes is eating, uses HPP (High Pressure Pasteurization), a method where water is used at a high pressure to "squeeze" any pathogens out. 

Question #2: Why is raw food a good method for helping pets lose weight? 
Answer: Short answer: raw food is what cats need in their diet and nothing extra. It's the extras that add the weight.  Long answer: especially for cats, high protein/low carb diets are, in our opinion, the best way to feed your cat. Cats are carnivores and naturally eat meat. Those cats you see outside running around are chasing birds and small rodents. Basically raw food is just meat. Primal Pet Foods is 93% meat, 7% fruits and vegetables. Since raw food is just what you need and there are not extras, it is much easier to determine how much food your cat or dog needs to eat per meal. Plus raw food is absorbed much easier by the body and the waste amount is very minimal. 

Question #3: What is the best way to transition an animal to raw? 
Answer: For the least disruptive method to your animal's digestive system, we recommend taking about 9 days to transition food. Especially if you've been feeding kibble for a while you will want to take it slow.  For the first 1-3 days, mix a quarter of the food with the current food for both meals and monitor the stools. If they are firm, for the next 3 days do one meal raw in the morning and kibble at night. If the stools are soft then take another couple days to transition. We would also recommend a probiotic to help with the transition. If all goes well, you'll notice smaller, more firm, less smelling stools. 

Thank you for the questions!!! 

Here's a bonus, behind the scenes of Pollycakes modeling shoot.


Until next time!

-Pollycakes and Nature's Pet Market

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